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Case Results

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  • Settled for 50,000.00 Motor Vehicle Collision
    Client was t-boned by a person who ran a red light. My client's car flipped. He went to the emergency room and was discharged the same day. We settled for $50,000.00.
  • 5 Figure Settlement Motor Vehicle Collision

    Client was rear-ended by another driver. Client treated for neck and back injuries. Houston negotiated with the other driver’s insurance company for a settlement for $27,000.

  • 5 Figure Settlement Motor Vehicle Collision

    Client was delivering pizza when another driver pulled out from a cross street into the roadway. Our client had nowhere to go and hit the other driver’s vehicle. The other driver was cited for failing to yield. After 2 years of litigation and with the association of other attorneys, we won the case and received an award of $58,000 for our client’s injuries and past and future pain and suffering.

  • 6 Figure Settlement Motor Vehicle Collision

    Client was driving on a moped when a car took a left and hit him head on. Client survived the collision but was severely injured. After some time trying to locate the other driver and her insurance policies, we were able to stack policies to recover a large sum for our client’s medical costs and pain and suffering.

  • 6 Figure Settlement Motor Vehicle Collision & Wrongful Death

    Client was driving home with his wife one evening. When he turned into his driveway off a main road, he was hit on the passenger side door. Our client’s wife perished due to the collision. Our client was severely injured. The other driver had 2 people in her car. Our investigator obtained the black box information from the other driver’s vehicle and it showed she was driving well over the speed limit. One of the passengers in the other vehicle sued both drivers. We caught the case and claimed wrongful death against the other driver. After much litigation and mediation, we resolved the case favorably for our client.

  • 6 Figure Settlement Pedestrian Struck While Crossing the Street

    Client was exiting a fast food restaurant when she was struck by a driver circling the restaurant. The client sustained injuries to her head, neck, back and legs. The other driver was on duty for a company at the time. The client’s friend was able to take pictures of the work truck. Our investigator obtained surveillance videos from the restaurant. In association with other lawyers, we were able to investigate and litigate a favorable result.

  • Dismissed Sexual Battery
    Client initially charged with Sexual Battery with a Person under 16. The alleged victim lied about her age and the client was unaware of her true age. I was able to get the case dismissed.
  • Dismissed Statutory Rape

    Client was accused of engaging in sexual intercourse with his underage girlfriend. Since they were within 2 years of each other, this was considered a misdemeanor referred to as the Romeo and Juliet law. This charge would ruin a person’s life. After lengthy meetings with the prosecutor and reviewing the evidence of such a delicate case, the prosecutor was willing to dismiss the charges through a diversion program. The client completed the program and the charges will not haunt him for the rest of his life.

  • Charge Dismissed, Reduced to Misdemeanor Terroristic Threatening

    After being terminated from his employment, Client was accused of threatening to shoot a co-worker. Client had prior firearm charge in a different county. Houston negotiated with prosecutor to get a deal that would not be a felony. After pointing out some issues with the State’s case, the district attorney reduced the charge to a low-level misdemeanor.

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