Gwinnett County Probation Violation Lawyer
Representation for Modification & Revocation Hearings in Georgia
Probation is often a consequence of a misdemeanor or felony conviction. Probation in Gwinnett County can come with many conditions as ordered by the judge, who has discretion in this matter. Probation matters are time sensitive. If you think you may have violated your conditions of probation in Gwinnett County, hesitating on calling a lawyer could have you sitting in jail.
What are the Penalties for Violating Probation in Georgia?
If you violate the conditions of your probation in Gwinnett County, you may wind up having your probation revoked by the court and sent to jail or prison to serve out your original sentence. You will have to sit in jail to await your hearing, which can take up to 30 days. Other probation matters involve seeking a modification of a probation condition or term which also must be put before the court for approval. In both of these matters, your chances of success will be largely increased with the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney
Officers in Gwinnett County are often quick to file violations of probation. A technical violation is when the probation officer violates you for being behind on your payments, failing a screen, or not being up to date with your community service or A/D assessment requirements.
At Houston Washburn Law, we also represent individuals who are wanting to modify their terms of probation. You may want to terminate your probation early since you have completed the conditions of probation. Our firm can request early termination or relief from burdensome conditions.
Our Gwinnett County probation violation lawyer has devoted much of its practice on criminal defense matters in the local courts. As a proven trial lawyer, our attorney has been recognized for his ability by the National Trial Lawyers. This means your case will be in the hands of a legal professional who understands how to present compelling arguments on your behalf before the judge in seeking the outcome you desire.
Need to Modify Your Probation Terms? Contact Houston Washburn Law at (770) 766-8966 or reach out online for a consultation with our Gwinnett County attorney!
Probation Modifications
Attempting to get the incarceration portion of your sentence modified rarely meets with success. You must request modification within a certain time limit and there are no guarantees in success, especially without guidance from a knowledgeable lawyer.
Modifications of probation conditions or the length of the probation can occur when requested along with clear and convincing evidence showing why such a modification should be approved.
Conditions of probation can include:
- Mandatory regularly-scheduled meetings with your probation officer
- Fines
- Community service
- Court Ordered Classes
- Restraining orders
- Restitution
- Drug evaluation and treatment
- Random drug testing
- Psychological counseling
- Other court-ordered programs
Fees that are unaffordable may be requested to be converted into community service hours. You may request certain conditions of a restraining order to be lifted, such as those dealing with child visitation or contact with the protected person. You may request that the condition that you not travel out of state be lifted if you have obtained gainful employment elsewhere. You may also request that the length of your probation term be shortened or ended. These are examples of modifications you can seek through the court through a hearing before the judge.
Probation Revocation
If you do anything that is in violation of your probation terms, you may be arrested for a probation violation which will result in revocation hearings before a judge. If the judge finds that you are guilty of violating your probation, your probation may be terminated and you will be forced to serve either all or a portion of your original jail or prison sentence. Violations may be reported by either your probation officer or law enforcement if you are arrested for a new offense.
Violations can include new arrests, failing to show up for meetings with your probation officer, failing to report a change of address, contacting persons you are not allowed to see due to a restraining order, associating with persons the court has ordered you to stay away from, and any other condition to which you are bound by the court. In a probation revocation hearing, you will appear before a judge. Both the prosecution and your defense lawyer can present arguments to the judge as to why or why not a revocation should take place. This is why you need a proven trial lawyer who knows how to be effective in court.
Contact Our Probation Revocations and Modifications Attorney Today
Our criminal defense law firm offers representation that is highly-qualified and professional. Your chances of prevailing in court will depend on the quality of your defense – let us use our experience, determination, and commitment to success to help you.
Contact Houston Washburn Law by calling (770) 766-8966 today for a FREE consultation with a Gwinnett County probation violation lawyer!

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